This movie was action packed from the start! And didn't let up until the very end! There were several major plot changes and twists that I felt made it even better! Also, I'll spoil this little tid-bit for you... It has a happy ending! I so want to. See this movie again! If you love the Terminator movies I feel that you will think this one does the rest justice, at least I hope you do! And if you are new to the Terminator world, then welcome! And use this as an intro into your newest obsession! 😉
So go see this movie and let me know what you thought of it!
I definitely feel that Jai's Dauntless training has paid off in the fight against Skynet!

Thanks for the view, and for reading this review! I will hopefully have a couple book reviews up a little later this month. So, I will see you later, in the meantime I'll be working to try to become as awesome and as much of a butt-kicker as Emilia Clarke! (And training to be be a Dauntless rebel).