Thursday, December 31, 2015

Countdown Survey

So, the girls/ladies that run are doing a countdown survey. Now I was supposed to have this up earlier and that needed up not happening. So here is my survey...

10-2016 Books You're Excited About
(Actually, Libereated, but no photo available)
(United by Melissa Landers)

9- of your favorite books

8-Books that surprised you (good or bad)

7-books you didn't get to in 2015

6-books that gave you the feels

5-Golden Finds
Pop Travel
(Could not find covers for those three)

4-books that you wished were movies/tv shows
(The Selection series)

3-series you stared
(Book one is Doon)
2-Books everyone loved but you didn't

1-Best book of 2915

If you see a book that I haven't reviewed yet, please watch for the review. It will be up shortly!